Monday, May 19, 2008

Idea for my first mini-novel...

I always wondered why Warhammer Space Marines always used landing capsules and never made any obvious attempt at using teleportation technology like the one used in "Star Trek". From what I've learned about the Warhammer mythology, mankind was plunged into some kind of technological "dark age". Science and religion have somehow merged into a single all-encompassing doctrine whose only purpose is to wage war on humanity's enemies and totally obliterate them. In my first literary attempt, i'll try to explore this aspect of the Warhammer mythos first.

Proposed Plot:
Space Marines find wreckage of a spacecraft they cannot identify on a barren planet they have recently purged of Tyranids. Tech-Marines study wreckage and find evidence that the spacecraft originated from Earth well before the time of the Horus Heresy. This knowledge immediately makes the find top secret and the planet is placed under quarantine and under the protection of the Space Marines. Tech-marines eventually find out that the spacecraft has transporter technology and start trying to piece it back together. After all, it would give them an incredibly huge advantage in dealing with their enemies! They finally manage to get the transporter to function and are able to test it successfully on non-living objects. Trouble starts when they test it on living subjects. Things go from bad to worse as a new unknown menace makes its presence felt. From here, death and unspeakable horror starts to engulf the desolate planet.

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