Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nearly done with the next installment of my mini-novel...

Ok, I have to admit. I actually didn't think I could finish another installment of my writing project. Anyway, i'm glad i'm almost done with the 2nd part of Leviathan's Door. I try to write whenever I can on my trusty P900's jotter. Mind you, my phone's old, scratched and obviously battle-weary, but it still serves its purpose very well. Sony Ericsson sure made their phones to last (unlike some Nokia which seems to churn out new models every few months). I should be able to post the 2nd part over the weekend...

Honestly, it's very hard yet exhilirating when your ideas turn into visions and then the words start pouring out like a stream inexorably flowing towards a raging waterfall... I try not to think too much about where i'm going with the story, I just write everything that comes naturally to me and when I read it again it all seems to fit somehow. Quite rewarding!

P.S. Watching Finding Forrester (great movie starring Sean Connery) helped me quite a bit too! :D

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