Friday, May 30, 2008

Captain America is Dead. Long Live Captain America!

OK, I know, this is old news to a lot of you comic book fans out there. But i'd like to blog about new uniform of Captain America anyway...

Steve Rogers is dead. Mortally wounded by a sniper while on his was to trial. Those who really knew him also called him "Cap", as in Captain America. Now, we have someone else taking up his legendary shield. But the uniform is new, it still sports the familiar red, white and blue. But it's shiny and metallic. The original uniform had a chain-mail like quality to it. But there's MORE! The new Cap now sports a GUN and a combat KNIFE! Will he actually use it on the bad guys? Only time will tell... Check out the images below (thanks to Marvel!):

UPDATE: I just got my hands on Captain America #38 and I have to say I am a bit dissappointed by the whole affair with Bucky taking on the mantle of Captain America. He's obviously the best successor but my dissappointment stems more from the storyline and the ressurection of Nomad by the Red Skull and company to stir up trouble... I mean, it's really getting OLD (literally!)... If they could kill Cap, why couldn't they kill the Red Skull off? And those other old villains as well while they're at it. Revamp the whole sorry mess! I'd probably get flamed and all for saying what I just said, but that's how I see it. I don't mind Bucky being the new Cap. That's fine with me, a bit cool actually since he's partnered with the Falcon. Sort of brings a breath of fresh air to a classic team-up.

Marvel REALLY needs to get rid of the Red Skull and his gang of jokers... REALLY!

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