Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ok. I've decided to continue with blogging as a personal experiment. I've decided to keep everything I write about here limited to stuff that "feeds my imagination". Sounds simple eh? Not if yoau're paranoid like me!

Anyway, I'll try to keep blogging whenever time permits. Everyone needs an outlet for expressing themselves right? I certainly don't want to be one of those people who are simply too repressed and miserable because they keep everything locked up inside. I've read that it may lead to some real bad stuff happening if they finally can't handle it anymore... Definitely something to avoid at all costs... :D

So that's that. I guess this is a good start considering I've managed to write up to 3 paragraphs in one sitting. It kinda does feel good to just sit down and write stuff going through your head... Maybe I'll let you guys in on some of my hobbies or interests next time...

Until then, Cheers!!! :)

In the meantime, back to work!

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